The Show

Note: Before reading, this is based on Morgan Animations's creepypasta story from Afram Latibaer, Which involved a scene of Sportacus inside of Pixel's TV, Credit to her and LazyTown (GetLazy), Now, with that out of the way, Enjoy)
One day, I stayed up extremely late at night watching YouTube videos. I was watching the old 1996 Latibær play on my television, when I decided to turn it off, as I was very tired. But when I tried to turn it off, Sportacus suddenly came on the screen. I went up to the TV, continuously begging to turn it off. I turned away from the TV, when I suddenly felt a hand poke my back. I turned back towards the TV, and my heart sank. Sportacus was alive in the TV, he was physically interacting with me. I slowly backed away, "No," I said, "that's not possible. It can't be, it shouldn't be". What he did next would haunt me for the rest of my life. Sportacus reached out one arm, then another. He then grabbed onto the stand of which my TV was on. He leaned foward; his head came out first. And before I knew it, he left the screen and was now in my living room. I screamed in fear, but he stopped me. I wasn't necessarily afraid of him, but the fact that he just did the impossible. Sportacus then slapped me. "Ow," I mumbled, "what was that for?" He put his face up to my ear. "You need to eat healthier, you fat fuck" Sportacus then flipped back into the TV. I quickly turned it off, and something like this has never happened again. Isn't that right, Glanni? The end